Monday, June 9, 2008

Aidens check up

Well were do I start ...well today I had a appointment at 11 for Aiden to check how he is doing developmentally.I was going in with no worries.WRONG. well he was only half way tested because 11 is his nap time.So I still had to see another doctor after the first one.(in the same building)and this doctor scared me she was talking and talking about stuff. I really didn't understand.All i was hearing was that Aiden was fare behind his age group.He is 9 months but was being tested like he was 7 months, because he was premature.His weight is way under, his height was way under, hey but his head was in the blue, which means good.He isn't sitting by himself, crawling, and no were near walking.It might has something to do with his brain.He might have problems with his brain.. Great are you serious! was what I was thinking. I have been through so much with Noah when he was first born, I thought Aiden would be fine.So now it is 1 o'clock, and I need to reschedule my other appointment,so why not that same day I thought. so we went to get lunch Aiden took his nap we waited in the parking lot till our next app. 230.So the time has come for Aiden to get tested again!He picks up the block but not the right way! whatever!He talks but not enough. So he is finally done with the test.He is verbally at 3 month.( who wants a talking baby, they talk enough when they get older!)His fine motor and motor skills are like a 5 month yr old.I started to cry a little, I never thought anything was wrong with him, I was just thinking how cute he is small and he is my little baby.So since he scored so low he will have a therapist come to the house and work with him.....I just started trusting god,with me, but it is hard to let go and trust him with the kids.Its hard, It feels like me as a mom that i am not suppose to let go, but i just know how free it feels to let go, i just need to let go, I need to let go.

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